Thursday 24 April 2014

PEEL technique
  • Point - make your point
  • Example - back it up with own experience, quote from stimulus material or figures
  • Explain - how does the example answer the original question/point
  • Link - use the language of the question and reiterate the point

Why do people comment online?

From source 2 I can see that there are positive and negative feelings/comments about the internet.

Firstly, "online presence gave them a voice, and enabled them to tap into national debate". This means that they were able to express their opinions where they like and when ever they like. Additionally, this gave them the freedom of speech, meaning that the police of any authority are not able to get involved with what they are saying on the internet.

Alternatively, it is said on the next page of source 2, "many explained that they speak without in reaction to 'misinformed' and 'misguided' views, or they feel 'frustrated'." This means that people just say something without realizing that they have said it,  because they were feeling so 'frustrated' their instant reaction is to retaliate. 

Thursday 27 March 2014

Hitler wrote an infamous book called Mien Kampf, this means "My Struggle" in German.

Should anyone have to right to have their say?

The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. By communicating an individual forms relationships and associations with other - family,friends, co-workers, church congregation, and countryman.By entering into discussion with others an individual participates in the development of knowledge and in the direction of the community.

suggestions have ranged from "forcing Twitter to take action" to "bring criminal charges against bullies." This has been interpreted, in some quarters, as woman wanting to shut down freedom of speech on the internet. This has been interpreted, in some people should be free to write and publish whatever they want online, or so the logic goes; and if that includes graphic fantasies about raping and murdering you, personal information or both, women should just learn to live with it, or get offline.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Technology has positive and negative affects on social interactions.

Technology has positive and negative affects on social interactions.


  • They are used for socializing such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • We can use our technology to contact friends to ask if they would like to meet up.
  • Can be used for long distance friends and family to contact you and keep in touch.
  • It can affect literacy skills such as speech and writing.
  • People stop talking face to face to others because they are on-fixed to their possessions; may not just want to talk to anyone at all.

Friday 11 October 2013

What do you think of the scheme?

I believe that the students should earn and learn because when they are in college they need as much money as possible to pay for their essentials, so if they have a job (Saturday job) they will have enough income to pay rent and for food ect....

Are zero contracts a good or a bad idea?

zero hour contracts are absolutely ridiculous... I think this because if you have a family you wont be able to see them as much as you would want to because the zero contract is if your company have a job for you, you have to do the job everyday so what this means is the contracts may be for  2 day period or even more.
in addition to this is that the income would not be very good so what this means is that your bills and taxes may not be paid off in time which could lead to you being force to get out of your property and be homeless. Furthermore the fact that the contract is at any time is really bad because if you have booked a holiday with your family, the contract may be within that time and it can cause difficulties with re-booking, getting your money back or not going at all.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Should you be able to wear religious clothing in public places?

I personally think that people should be aloud to wear them if they want to but i do think its is ridiculous to wear, it justs makes me think just be a normal person dont wear it..